
Sergeant James K. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Abigail O'Rear is the 2024 Scholarship Recipient

Sergeant Jim Smith of the Iowa State Patrol was shot and killed in the line of duty on April 9th, 2021. He lived his life devoted to service to God, his family, and his community. He saw the importance of being an officer in the way he went about the job. By his death, he made the ultimate sacrifice that a law enforcement officer can make: he laid down his life to save others. This scholarship is to help those seeking to go into law enforcement or those who have direct relatives who are law enforcement officers. Will you live a life of service like Sgt. Jim Smith?

In order to apply for this scholarship, we ask that each applicant: 

  • Be a graduating Iowa high school senior continuing their education in the fall of the same year
  • Have a High School GPA of at least 3.2 (Out of 4.0) 
  • Must be a US citizen and be a resident of Iowa 
  • Actively involved in a local church 
  • Pursuing a career in law enforcement OR have an immediate family member who is or has been a LEO (i.e. parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, or grandparent - may be retired)

How to Apply: 

Compile the following documents: 

  • Fill out Scholarship Application - Will be available in February of 2025
  • A current official High School transcript (Including final semester)- Request that your school mail directly to the address below.
  • One typed letter of recommendation from a member at church of attendance (Must NOT be a relative) 
  • One typed letter of recommendation from someone that knows you well and can attest to your character (Must NOT be a relative) 
  • Type answers to the short answer and essay questions 
  • Mail all documents in a large sealed envelope postmarked no later than June 27, 2025 to: (No email applications accepted)

Sgt. Jim Smith Memorial Scholarship
P.O. Box 462 
Independence, IA 50644

Details of Scholarship: 

Upon acceptance, a one-time scholarship in the amount of $2,700.00 will be awarded directly to the college of attendance. The $2,700 is to honor Jim Smith’s 27 years in law enforcement.  The recipient will be notified by the end of July.

Jim surrendered his life to his Lord by making Him his Chief in Command, his King and boss. He communicated this in one of his messages sharing God’s Word… As Christians, we should desire to do the will of God. Not what we CAN do. Instead, what we SHOULD do. God tells us in Leviticus (11:44 and 20:7) and in 1 Peter (1:16), “Be holy because I am Holy." Instead of settling for what society allows, we should seek what God desires. 

Please remember that God will use you to do His Kingdom work, whether or not you receive this scholarship. You are worthy because God created you. Seek to make a difference in the world in whatever career path God leads you to. Take time to help others around you and point to God in all that you do. Give Him the credit that He deserves. Jim lived out his life seeking to glorify Him. He started and ended each day on his knees giving God thanks. Will you take the time to listen to God and make an impact on others like Jim did?